FAMILY BUSINESS (or a man has entered the scene)

On Monday, my mother`s sawing machine broke! She called on a machine reparer, who is in fact a distant cousin of ours. His wife also runs a tailoring business, and she came with him to consult my mother on a dress she is making for her client. Her and my mother are good friends, so they had a good chat about the state of the tailoring business, and I duly recorded the discussion. Meanwhile, her husband tried to repar the sawing machine, but to no avail. Alas, my mother had to call the second repairman, who is a cousin of the first repaierman, who, as I said earlier is our distant cousin. He is an electrician, and the bets were that the problem is of an electrical nature. Unfortunately that was not to be and my mother had to call in the third repairman. He was not related to any of us. He came, had a shot of Slivovitz (traditional plum brandy) and diagnosed that the machine needs a new motor. He offered to either take the broken one, repair it, and then return it, or just install his own second-hand motor (he doesnt have a new one) and take the broken one for himself. The second deal seemed better to my mother, so she went ahead, and the repairman came back in the morning. After sipping a strong cup of coffee (he said, "as I refused a coffee last night, I could have one now") he fixed the machine.
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