Afternoon in front of TV

On a lighter note, and having abandonded any burden of representation or misrepresenation, I have to share a phenomenan in the Balkans that really caught fire, it is TURBOFOLK. And to give those of you who haven´t come across it a chance to listen, I recorded a small clip, and also translated the words (Click here to listen). The music is a mix of folk and pop, cheapened by the lack of sophistication in the lyrics, and of course the presentation.
Bottom Picture, forgot the name of the singer, but his is the clip from a song titled ´razor blade` or Gillete - Zilet.
tvoja zelja moja je postelja
zato hoces samo mene il zilet na vene
ne sjeci vene, ne sjeci zbog mene
jos si mlada da te ljubim sada
sacekaj jos godinu il` dvije
zao mi je ja ne mogu prije
Your wish is my bedding
that is why you only want me
or rezor blade to your vains
don´t cut your vains, dont cut them for me
you are too young to kiss you now
wait a year or two
I am sorry I cant do it earleir
Top pict, Ceca, also famous for having been a wife of Arkan, the most notorious paramilitary leader and mafia boss of the Croatian and Bosnian wars.,13716,265501,00.html
Middle pict, Miss Republika Srpska, who is going on to the Bosnia & Herzegovina finals
Morning Margareta! What's with the big hair and ruched satin? Cool, breezy morning in Bristol. Listened to the sound clip - hmmm, does he need a songwriter? I could send him a few words ... I'm hobbling around as I've damaged my heel - good timing, what, 2 weeks before a marathon tour of Japan .. may need to wind down on the 'marathon' bit and just find a nice place to stay, write, meditate. I'm getting keener and keener on the idea of (also) writing an epic poem on the theme of 'Yoshitsune', tragic 12th century Samurai hero. The start, or mebbe a refrain popped into my head yesterday:
"What tears me apart, oh ravening wind of sky ..."
Could also use "a patch of seagulls splices the water, lifts into oblivion..."
Talked to Picture This in Bristol, their 'Small Wonders' award scheme, just gone live for this year now. I'll put in to them for post-prod film work a. rough cut for seminar in Nov; b. Japanese poetry film; c. look into whole area of film and poetry/text. Very keen still to do group show.
Oh I see! It's not 'Your wish is my bedding' that's a typo - it's 'my wish is your bidding'!I was sort of wondering who was bedding whom in the song...
Hey Ralph, good to see you on the blog, and to hear from you. I`ve been fully emersed in the life here, fashion magazines, patterns cutting, coffee drinking and all, really tough as you can imagine. Am shooting loads, and will have abundance of film...will need some necessary funding after the presentation for a good group show!!! Wouldnt it be great to show in London, Bristol, Manchester etc (small effort really to organise ;-) But OTOM POTOM as they say here, or All in good time, as they say there. Interesting to hear of Pic this.
PS O yes, Turbofolk is an in(ter)vention of massive p(rop)ortions, hehe...
Keep up the good work, and look after that heel of yours, you will need it. I do envy you thou, I am beginning to be in need of meditation.
Margareta xx
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