The first customers

The pictures I posted, as title suggests are my First Customers. The girl in a cat suit is a dancer, and needed the suit fixed up with the tail, ears and fur. The outfit is for the European championship in contamporary jazz dance, she is going to, along with approx 20 other girls in her group, this weekend. In fact I went one evening with my mum to deliver the finished cat suit and had a look at their reharsal, which I really enjoyed, so much good and vibrant energy!
Second photo is of a customer and a friend of my mother, who brought loads of materials for various outfits to be made. I will follow the progress of all these outfits, especially as she is really keen on being filmed! And that always helps, as its not so much fun wizzing around with a camera like an annoying bee, if people are not comfortable with it.
Which also has brought loads of questions I am batteling with, questions of my right to record this intimate times I felt as though I am betraying the trust they give me by taking away these personal spaces into another space - that of a film.
questions of representation -misrepresentation, of Bosnia. People are quite self conciouss of the image Bosnia has in the minds of the West. Will I perpetuate the same predictable image of war, pain, poverty...? Perhaps. That may always be part of it. It is a part that also cant be avoided. I will record what is in front of me, but these questions no doubt will be reappearing again and again.
Can an artist have or carry a responsibility of representation?
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